Cat[girl]urday: Lo...

Due to my love of Nekomimis I have decided to post something catgirl related each week! It maybe cute. It maybe sexy. It may even be a bit disturbing...
G..i..f... by... ido (teketeke)
Hold on… This Cat[girl]urday is still loading… Any second now… Any minute now… Any hour now? No one likes waiting for something to load. Catgirls do not like it and nor do Kemono Friends. This is why so many people fought for net neutrality. Not only that but to also fight back against unfair practices like the throttling of legal uses of bandwidth, telling consumers how they can use their internet, and sneaking in laws that block other companies from installing lines. Keep the internet open. Keep it open so catgirls can roam free over it.
So what do you think?


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