Cat[girl]urday: A Link to Mayohiga

Due to my love of Nekomimis I have decided to post something catgirl related each week! It maybe cute. It maybe sexy. It may even be a bit disturbing...
Chen from Touhou cosplaying Link
Art by Kurumai
Breath of the Wild has everyone in a Zelda mood. This includes Gensokyo where Chen is brushing up on her ocarina. I was going to write some more non-catgirl post this week but Zelda happened… It is so easy to get lost in the world of Hyrule you would think you were a cat in a Stray House. Speaking of which, I wonder how Chen got there… Well The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is an amazing game and I hope to write my impressions on it soon!
So what do you think?


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