Cat[girl]urday: Wear in the Rain

Due to my love of Nekomimis I have decided to post something catgirl related each week! It maybe cute. It maybe sexy. It may even be a bit disturbing... Girl wearing Axent Wear headphone in the rain “ Art by Tarbo The weather started perking up in West Michigan. The sun came out and temperatures hit 70+ degrees Fahrenheit. The thing about Michigan weather is it changes at the drop of a tail. After all would it really be April without a few showers? Now we are back in the 40ies with rain. Although the rain can seem dark and depressing it can bring much beauty. Soon the April showers will be over and the May flowers will begin to bloom. I do not recommend wearing Axent Wear headphone in the rain, however. I have heard of people having enough issues with them while they are dry! So what do you think?